Tommy Hollywood & Katie Encino Move to the Midwest to GET REAL

When a couple of LA “airheads” find out that their idealized celebrity couple has broken up, they move to the midwest to figure out how to have a real relationship but they soon realize that being real is harder than it looks!
Think Clueless meets Fargo. A comedy about becoming your authentic self.
When Tommy Hollywood and Katie Encino find out that their idealized celebrity couple has broken up, they are devastated! No one they know has a real relationship. Who will they use as role models now? They decide that if they want a real relationship, they must get real themselves. They have heard that people in the midwest are really real. So they decide to move to the midwest to find out how to have a real relationship only to find out that getting real is harder than it looks!
Tommy Hollywood and Katie Encino Move to the Midwest to Get Real
A mutually offensive comedy about Getting Real
Tommy Hollywood and Katie Encino have never been outside Los Angeles County. Tommy is a Rock-n-Roll slacker and Katie is a Pilates/SpinningInstructor/Actress. When they feel that it is time to make their relationship more “real”, they decide that no one they know has a “real” relationship so they must travel to the Midwest to find out what “real” means.
They take out the only map they’ve ever known, the Thomas Guide, to look for Fargo. They can’t seem to find it. They do find Chicago but can’t agree on whether Illinois is in Chicago or Chicago is in Illinois. They find Detroit and, seeing that it’s on the water, decide to fly to that airport just in case they want to catch some waves.
Once there, they are flabbergasted. Katie calls her girlfriend back home saying “It’s like we’re at Central Casting. Everyone here is ugly. We are the only beautiful people here. I mean. People are like fat- not like they are trying to be for a role or something. Like they just really are!”
At the airport, they get a map. Thinking that it is pronounced like Milan in Italy, they end up in a small town called Milan (pronounced MY-lin), Michigan. Once there, they go to a house thinking that there is a room for rent but for the money they can actually afford the whole house. Seeing the prices at a Diner they end up yelling “Lattés on the house for everyone”. People look at them like the aliens from another planet that they are.
They befriend a neighbor and through the all-important montage sequence, she transforms them into looking like real Midwesterners. Once they feel like they have the hang of what being a Midwesterner means they decided to make a movie about Love in the Midwest and cast real Midwesterners but tell them how to be more Midwestern in the roles.
Jimmy then gets a call that his band is actually going to have a real gig back in Hollywood at the Whisky. It’s a big opportunity he’s always dreamed of, but is it worth the risk of getting real?
The funds raised will go toward securing cast, crew, locations, and equipment.
Additional Information
Writer/Director Christina has made 4 feature films with great reviews and many awards.
See her credits here:
The Nitty-Gritty
The students will not only learn how to budget, schedule, and secure cast, crew, and locations but we also shadow each position during the feature film production of “Tommy Hollywood & Katie Encino Movie to the Midwest to Get Real.”
To check out this opportunity go to:
Thank you SO much for being a part of this production! Things are about to GET REAL!

We've had 95 contributors! Can we just get 5 more?
We just have half of an hour left!
Do you know someone who can help us make a miracle?
And the miracle is you! Here we are. This is the last day of our campaign.
As of today, we have raised over $6,739. That is simply AMAZING. We're blown away by the support. That being said, we must reach at least our minimum goal or we get none of it. That’s right, we either reach that minimum goal or we get NOTHING.
Will you help us get there?
If you haven't made a financial contribution, please do so today; any amount makes a big difference.
If you already gave, please consider increasing the amount of your contribution by a few dollars. But only if you're able to. We're already very grateful for your contribution.
Also, please share our page with others. Ask a couple of your friends to make a contribution in any amount.
Thank you so much. We know that with your support we will get there!
Today is the last day!
We only need $3,801
or all the funds we have raised for this film go back to the contributors!
Do you know anyone who may want to be an associate or executive producer or a corporate sponsor?
Please check out all of the incentives here:
I hope you can make it today for one or all three of the movies today at 704 Airport Blvd. for
"Tommy Hollywood and Katie Encino Move to the Midwest to Get Real"
Here is a description of the films playing:
Get your advance tix here:
If you can't make it, please consider making a contribution at the link above and or sharing this link with others and encouraging them.
Thanks SO much for all your support!
From the bottom of my heart,
Thanks to all who contributed during the matching funds period! Thanks to you, $825 became $1,650!
Today we are having a "Telethon" with surprise guests to raise funds for our next film "Tommy Hollywood... Midwest to I'm going LIVE from my page from 2-4pm. Please join to listen to music and make a contribution in ANY amount. In fact, if you contribute $1, I'll sing a song!
Great News!!! We have a Matching Donor Challenge Today!!! Every contribution that comes in will be matched by a generous supporter dollar for dollar until we raise an additional $1,000. We have until tomorrow night to unlock these additional funds. Please go to
and make a contribution in ANY amount. Thank you!!!
What a great first week! So much love and contribution! Thank you, thank you, thank you!