
Samuel (formerly known as [spilled milk]) is the third and final film in a three-part series of shorts based on idioms.
Along with the first and second films, THREE birds and grist, respectively, the film centers a complex and empowered black woman. Samuel revisits Hannah, the protagonist from grist, a few years later, with a closer look at her personal and professional life and how they intersect.

Central themes in the film include personal ambition, societal expectations and pressure, and the meaning and nature of success and legacy - particularly as it relates to womanhood.
Samuel, a riff on the idiom “no use crying over spilled milk,” revisits Hannah (the protagonist from grist) contemplating loss (and eventual gain) as a milestone birthday approaches.
Making a film consists of three stages: pre-production, production, and post-production. Chart below reflects overall expenses at $15K for the completed film - from start to finish!
My immediate goal is to fund pre-production and production, to shoot the film or “get it in the can” in filmmaker-ese. The minimum $8K goal would allow me to do that. Money raised beyond that would go towards post-production - the final stage in completing the film itself - and film festival submissions, which add up.

IMPORTANT NOTE regarding “Advanced viewing” Incentive Restrictions
Restrictions regarding private streaming link incentive: 1) non-downloadable link, 2) available for a limited time, and 3) donor must agree in writing to keep the film confidential. Public screening and/or posting forbidden.
Tremendous thanks for taking the time to learn about and support my third short film!
I (Shannon Harris) founded my production company Tricoastal Productions, “TCP” for short, to produce my films. TCP's broader mission is centering and amplifying the voices and stories of underrepresented artists - starting with my own.
When you contribute to Samuel, you not only help me complete a years-long three-part project, you contribute to making the entertainment industry better reflect the diverse world that we live in.
Together we change the world for the better one more story at a time.

Shannon Harris is an award-winning NYC-based actor and independent filmmaker. She founded Tricoastal Productions, "TCP" for short, to produce her films THREE birds and grist, the first and second in The Idiom Trilogy, a planned three-part series of shorts based on idioms. Samuel is the third and final film.
grist was awarded Best Micro Short for the 2022 Diversity in Cannes Short Film Showcase. THREE birds won Best Comedy; and grist won Best Cast for the 2022 NYWIFT Online Shorts Festival. grist also won Best Narrative and Best Actor (Stephen Cofield, Jr.) at the 2021 Mott Haven Film Festival.
Shannon wrote, produced, directed, and plays the lead role in both films, which have been official selections at - combined, to date - over 20 local, national, and international (in-person, online, or hybrid) film festivals.
Her production company TCP’s broader mission is to center and amplify the voices and stories of underrepresented artists, starting with her own.
Other actor screen credits include The Blacklist, Ray Donovan, Marvel’s Luke Cage, and Happy!
Shannon attended Barnard College in NYC and trained as an actor at The American Academy of Dramatic Arts in LA and The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama in London. To learn more about Shannon’s work – including on stage! - visit

Katy is a cinematographer, director, editor and content creator based in Brooklyn, NY. Prior to film making, she performed all around the world as an actress and comedian. She toured the country with her comedy band opening for famous musical acts and headlining comedy clubs. She brings her years of performance experience with her on set, which is a huge advantage when working with actors, directors and creative people.
She has edited on projects for clients such as the Biden/Harris campaign and the Essential Workers Union. She's worked in various roles (filming, directing, editing, content creating…) for companies such as the New York Post, Elle Magazine and ArtGrid. She has also shot and edited many music videos, short films, and TV/Web series pilots.
Happy #FemaleFilmmakerFriday!🎬
Join me and Entertainmint next Tuesday January 28th at 7pm ET for a FREE double screening of my first two shorts THREE birds and grist, followed by Q & A!
Check out the flyer below and click the link to my latest newsletter for details ➡️
THREE birds and grist are the first and second films in The Idiom Trilogy, my three-part series of shorts based on idioms. Samuel - in post-production - is the third and final film in the series.

To quote Mariah Carey: “It’s TiiiiIIIIIMMMME” for my annual end-of-year newsletter. 👉🏾
Subscribe if you don’t already. Happy holidays! 🥳

I'm thrilled to announce that Samuel Script Supervisor (& fellow Barnard alum) Shelby Jennings is now *also* an Associate Producer on the film!
Shelby’s generous support allows for accelerating the post production process and likely the completion of the film sooner than I anticipated. TREMENDOUS THANKS Shelby!
Wanna join Shelby??
Are you or someone you know interested in a Film Producer credit on a micro-budget short with high production value and majority BIPOC a/o woman cast and crew (including heads of department)?
… with compelling writing and performances and timely themes - including internal and external expectations and pressures of contemporary womanhood; friendship & community; and how success is defined?
… with (of course!) a healthy serving of humor mixed in?
Email me and let’s discuss!
: Petol Weekes
Happy Saturday Samuel crowdfunding supporters!
I just sent an email asking that you confirm whether your name appears the way you want it in the end credits.
If you haven't already, please let me know as soon as you can. (I sent it from my Tricoastal Productions gmail address. Check your spam if it didn't reach your inbox.)
I've pasted below a sample and sneak peek at the end credits: the list of background actors who appear in the party and screening scenes in the film.
Continued TREMENDOUS THANKS to them for their participation in and YOU for your support of the film! 🤩

Happy International Women's Day - and #femalefilmmakerfriday‼️
… with a special shout out and thanks to the women of #samuelshortfilm, most of whom are represented below, including our all-woman principal cast and NEARLY all-woman production crew.**
Photos and cinematography by Petol Weekes & Katy Frame (respectively)
** Day 1 shoot was all women crew. On day 2, Randol Diaz joined us for production design and as a PA & background actor. I have to acknowledge his talent, professionalism, and warmth - all of which were critical contributions to a successful shoot day.
Another milestone in the #samuelshortfilm journey has been reached: the rough cut‼️🥳
Huge shout out and thanks to DP | Editor Katy Frame. 👊🏽
Yesterday I sent my completed paper cut to my editor. She will assemble the rough cut, also known as the “first assembly," of the film.
By the way, if you haven't noticed, the actual name of the film [spilled milk] is Samuel.
With my first two films, I did not announce the name of the film until I had - at least - a rough cut. I'm sharing the name of this film, which will complete The Idiom Trilogy, sooner.
Your moral and financial support got us to this critical and exciting development in the #samuelshortfilm journey - T H A N K Y O U‼️
Continue to stay tuned for exciting updates and developments. ✨
Today is National Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk Day - which is the idiom on which #samuelshortfilm is based!
I had to seize the opportunity to share more of my fave BTS pics from our two shooting days - courtesy of FAB Set Photographer Petol Weekes.
This batch has a lot of single and double shots of the wonderful cast. 🫶🏾

The first major step of my post-production process is creating an Excel sheet “paper cut” of the film for my editor.
The paper cut is a written shot-by-shot version of the film used for the rough cut - the first visual assembly of the film, which is tweaked and refined; to which music and color are added; and sound is finalized.
The final version of the film is the final cut - the complete, audience-ready version of it.
I commence the paper cut in earnest today. Continue to stay tuned. ✨

Prior to and in the run up to starting pre-production in earnest last summer, I spoke privately and publicly about the scale of #samuelshortfilm (nee #spilledmilkfilm) being larger than my first two short films.
My babies #1 #threebirdsfilm & #2 #gristfilm are its beloved predecessors. #samuelshortfilm will complete The Idiom Trilogy.
Click this link to view a BTS (behind-the-scenes) reel:
… and below is a glimpse of #samuelshortfilm pre-production and production by the numbers:
1 successful crowdfunding campaign that funded pre-production & production
2 non-consecutive ~ net 11-hour shoot days
4 shooting locations (S/O & THX to Silvana & Maysles Documentary Center)
4+ BIG hats for me including Writer | Producer | Director | Lead Actor
5 Principal Actors (including #yourstruly)
6+ costume / makeup / hair changes (for me alone)
7 women HODs (Heads of Department) (including #yourstruly) of the …
10-member women a/o BIPOC production crew
23 Background Actors
(Cast and crew (intentionally) lookin’ like a Benetton ad. #iykyk)
100 + crowdfunding supporters who made this essential part of the filmmaking process possible!
♾️- MY GRATITUDE & EXCITEMENT (‼️) about post-production, the third and final leg of the journey towards a final cut.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. #believe ✨
Reel pics and vid captured by: (Set Photographer) Petol Weekes, Harry Christopher & #yourstruly
The whole team was firing on all cylinders again for the second and final #samuelshortfilm (#spilledmilkfilm) shoot date last Saturday (1/27/24).
Once again, DP Katy Frame deftly captured the lighting in a bottle. ✨
Below check out a small sample / sneak peek at the Day 2 dailies!
AANNNDD 🥁drumroll 🥁 for the teammates who joined us for day 2:
Mimi Walker, Camera Assistant
Randol Diaz, Production Design | PA | Background Actor
Maggie Moi, PA
Christina Neubrand, Nanya-Akuki Goodrich, and Soweto Jones, Principal Actors
and 21 (‼️) additional Background Actors
TREMENDOUS THANKS again to cast and crew and YOU - the crowdfunding supporters who made this possible!
We have a gorgeous short film “in the can!”
I’m now officially in post-production. 💻🎶🎨📽️
There is an intentional, strong Barnard | Columbia contingent on the #samuelshortfilm (#spilledmilkfilm) team! 💙
#yourstrulyWriter | Producer | Director | Lead Actor
James S. Washington, Executive Producer
Katy Frame, DP
Nana Duffuor, 1st AD
Shelby Jennings, Script Supervisor
Christina Natividad, Actor
Soweto Jones, Actor
Kendra Webb-Scott, Actor
Bethany Schneider, Actor
Nneka Penniston, Actor
📸: Petol Weekes
Once again, a BTS embarrassment of riches from Set Photographer Petol Weekes. Enjoy! More to come. Stay tuned.

Yesterday - Saturday January 27th - we wrapped [spilled milk] principal photography‼️ 🎬🥂 Stay tuned for BTS (behind-the-scenes) and post-production details.
(This is a screengrab from an IG Boomerang captured by Set Photographer Petol Weekes.)
After several weeks of essential rest, rejuvenation, and reset, I'm back to pre-production for the #spilledmilkfilm day 2 shoot scheduled for late next month (January 2024).
Let's get it RE-started! 🤩

Happy (almost) new year AND National Short Film Day!
Check out my annual newsletter which centers [spilled milk] highlights.
Click this link: MORE 2024 (
Subscribe if you haven't already.

When your fabulous Set Photographer Petol Weekes stops by to download her gorgeous #spilledmilkfilm day 1 shoot camera haul, you can't resist sharing some highlights!
If it looks like a (productive) good time, it was! 🤩
Introducing my DOPE #spilledmilkfilm day 1 shoot team c/o Petol Weekes’ fabulous set photos:
Writer | Producer | Director | Lead Actor #yourstruly
DP Katy Frame
1st AD Nana Duffuor
Actor Christina Natividad
Script Supervisor Shelby Jennings
Production Sound Mixer Sabrina Wu
MUA Jennifer King
EP | Actor James S. Washington

#wbw First look / sneak peek at some raw footage from this past Saturday’s #spilledmilkfilm day 1 shoot!
DP Katy Frame DID THE DAMN THANG cinematography wise - as did the whole team in our respective roles!
I’m beaming with pride and gratitude. 😊

Dassa wrap on Day 1 of principal photography for my third short #spilledmilkfilm! 🎬
HUGE shoutout and THANKS to my all woman crew:
DP Katy Frame
1st AD Nana Duffuor
Script Supervisor Shelby Jennings
Production Sound Mixer Sabrina Wu
MUA Jennifer King
Set Photographer Petol Weekes
… and my friends Christina & James - who is also an Executive Producer (EP) for the film - for their kickass performances today.
Grandma Marsha - also an EP - thank you for making a way for me and so many others in our family and beyond.

My film is dedicated to both you and Grandma Bert - and in your loving memory.
I trust that I made you proud today, and I look forward to doing so again when we shoot our second and final day early next year.
TREMENDOUS THANKS again to all my crowdfunding supporters including my brother Perry & Uncle John, who donated after the campaign ended.
Y’ALL MADE THIS POSSIBLE. Thank you for believing in me and my dreams. ❤️
“It is finished.” - Jesus
Per Shakespeare, “I can no other answer make but thanks, / And thanks; and ever thanks”
… to EVERYONE (all of you!) who donated to the crowdfunding campaign for my third short film (including my beloved Aunt Kathy who made the last donation).
Check out this post on IG where I share a last video TY that includes a pre-production update and remarks about my crowdfunding journey: [ post archived ]
#spilledmilkfilm#GratefulAF #GODDID
I have my second Executive Producer - my friend James!
… which means we’re at 95% of the $8K target goal which would fully fund non-consecutive two-day shoot later this year!
TREMENDOUS THANKS to James AND my pals Susan and Chris (who is also a former co-worker and manager). They donated after my earlier (social media) TY post.
Campaign ends tomorrow (Monday 10/2) around 7pm ET, so there's still time to share to your networks to get us to - or beyond - the finish line! 🏁
Thanks again EVERYONE!
We didn’t reach $8K early this morning; BUT I’ve raised nearly 80% of our $8K target that would fully fund non-consecutive two-day shoot later this year!
We are currently at 83 supporters (& over $6.2K raised).
Help us get to 100 supporters TODAY!
Share this selfie of me a/o your own social media messages like my cousin Bianca and friends Joseph and Rafe.
All donations in any amount are welcomed and appreciated! Help us secure two or more from your network.
Thanks in advance!

4 DAYS left of my crowdfunding campaign before it ends this Monday 10/2!
If we reach $8K target goal by 12:01am ET tomorrow Saturday 9/30, I’ll learn and recite a new 15-20 line Shakespeare monologue live on IG.
Share this #WatchMeWerk IG post to your networks to help us finish strong 👉🏾 [post archived]

We passed the $4K minimum goal
One of the BEST birthday gifts EVER!
THANK YOU TO EVERYONE who has contributed to date. Special shout out to my dear friends Teresa (“Reesie”) and Petunia (“Twin”) and my mom (🥹) for getting us past the $4K threshold
I was on the phone with my mom when I saw text from Petunia that she’d made the donation that tipped us over.
I also want to thank the over 20 family, friends, colleagues, and supporters who attended last night's Zoom event!
At Double Short Film Screening and Filmmaker Q & A, I screened my first two short films THREE birds and grist along with the crowdfunding pitch video. Afterward we had a thoughtful and fun discussion about those films, my upcoming short, and the crowdfunding campaign.
HUGE THANKS to ALL who have contributed to the crowdfunding campaign to date!
Every donation helped us get where we are today:
- Less than 20% away from the $4K minimum goal AND
- At 40% of the $8K target goal
… with almost two weeks left!
I'm feeling great about the prospects of reaching both the minimum and target goals in the time left - THANKS to your generosity, support, and partnership!
I want to highlight TWO milestone donors:
- My grandma Marsha - who became my first executive producer last week AND
- Dale H. who got us past the $3K mark last night!
Thanks again!
- Shannon

JOIN ME on Zoom next Wednesday, September 20th at 8pm ET on the 4th anniversary of the 9/20/19 cast and crew premiere screening of my first short THREE birds! 🎉
RSVP here: that you may have to copy and paste link.)
At this year's event, I will screen BOTH of my two short films, THREE birds and grist, which are the first and second in my planned three-part series of shorts based on idioms.
Afterwards, I'll answer (your) questions about the first two films and the filmmaking process - AND share about my third short film, [spilled milk], for which I'm crowdfunding!
The upcoming short is the third and final film in my planned three-part series of shorts based on idioms.
See you there! 🎬
HUGE THANKS TO ALL who have donated thus far with a special shout out to Kate E. who got us past the $1K mark! CE-LE-BRATE GOOD TIMES, indeed!