By Edwin Escobar
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This campaign has ended. It raised $10,471, reaching its minimum goal.
The goal of this film is to show both, a glimpse of what a person with dementia might experience, as well as the challenges that come along for the sons and daughters of those afflicted by the desease or any mental disorder.




Mr. Grimes, is everything ok?

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A man starts to question his reality when his father vanishes from his home. 

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Production of this short film will require funding to support the full Production lifecycle. 


The funding will be used for:

  • Pre Production
  • Production
  • Crew
  • Cast
  • Craft Services
  • Post Production
  • Marketing 
  • Distribution 
    • Regional theaters
    • Streaming
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Additional Information


The concept for LƎFT came to me after visiting a nursing home for a music video set. Having a 101-year-old grandmother with dementia and watching people alone made me wonder what thoughts or nightmares go through one’s head as one ages with the disease. So I set out to write story about a man and his mental journey, purposely leaving some holes to walk the audience through what it could feel like to lose your memories, thoughts, and eventually your identity.



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The Nitty-Gritty




  • Raising money to shoot the short film
    • Scouting and clearing locations
    • Marketing costs for ad campaigns
    • Professional special makeup effects costs


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Thank You

We want to thank you in advance for helping the amazing cast, crew, and myself to produce a meaningful short film that touches on dementia. 


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Team-member photo
Edwin Escobar
Director Producer

Edwin Escobar is a self-taught director and cinematographer based in Connecticut. He has offered video production services to developing artists of all mediums and small businesses for the last 12 years. Edwin has worked in over a dozen short films including 3 original award-winning projects. Escobar’s passion for travel has been an asset in assisting and directing projects all over the country and the Caribbean.


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Steven Edmonds

Steven Edmonds is a multi-media artist and actor born and raised in Bridgeport CT. Throughout his life he has been creating music, visual arts and was able to secure the leading role in the 2020 short film INVERTED. He’s played a slew of roles in music videos throughout the years as well as PA in multiple music video sets and films. He's current passion besides acting is painting and sculpture. 

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Maria Ruiz

Maria Ruiz is a 46 year old health care professional with multiple certifications. Her passions are Acting, food, travel, dance and communications. She has been in multiple skits, commercials and music videos playing a range of roles. 

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Will Fulton jr
Det. lacour

Will Fulton has always been drawn to the stage. As a teen, he fell in love with Hip Hop music and started a rap group. Entertaining is his passion, so he pursued a lifelong dream of becoming a professional actor. Debuting on stage at the Bijou Theater in Bridgeport CT in February 2020.

Will has played roles in community theater,  studio movies, digital drama series and independent films.
Most recently, he plays a reporter in an award-winning web series. In addition, Will was nominated for Best Actor in a 48-hour film fest. You can also see him on BET in a movie titled "Soul Santa".
Will is a big fan of sports, motorcycles and cars. His latest hobby is photography.

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Abe Perez
dr. charcmicahel

Abe Perez is a Latino-American born and raised in Bridgeport, CT. Abe served in the military 17 years before beginning a successful career in the tattoo industry. Abe has been published in two magazines and in 2022 embarked on a new career in acting, picking up his first role as a principle actor on the movie “The Port”.

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Rai’jona crear
ree / dee

Rai’jona Crear is a creative entrepreneur working to create, build and connect initiatives that serve minority voices, businesses and access. She is a model, actress, and speaker as well as a mentor to both young men and women.

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Chris cyr
receptionist chris

Chris Cyr is a comedian, writer and actor from Bridgeport, CT who has traveled all over this country providing laughs and venting about his perspective on relatable topics.

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Adriana medina
young gina

Adriana Medina has been acting professionally for about 6 years. She obtained her first role in a short film for the New Haven 48-Hour Film Project in New Haven, CT in 2017. Since then she has been cast in an array of short films directed by local indie filmmakers primarily in Connecticut where she’s from, most of them horror films that have been screened in short film festivals in and around New England. In 2020, she was cast in her first television role for the ID (Investigation Discovery) Network for “Evil Lives Here: Shadows of Death”. Her latest credit is the short film “The Port”, written and directed by Joel Roman of Bridgeport, CT which is now available on Lateflix.


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Baltazar fidalgo
gus (cna)

Baltazar Fidalgo Jr. is a 33 years old father of two (son and daughter). He was born in Bridgeport Connecticut where he still resides. Baltazar has been working in Retail Management for 14 years, his hobbies are writing and recording music, acting, and writing scripts. His passions are watching and studying the art of film and cinema and have been an actor in 2 award-winning short films, both TENANT and INVERTED.


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Tavis A. smiling

Tavis A. Smiling is a 27yr old Model & Actor and who has been doing modeling for roughly 7 years and Acting for 6. Within those times he was blessed enough to be In 6 music videos and 3 stage plays. Acting has always been a passion of Tavis’s and he continues to strive for growth in visual arts.



Hello supporters!!
Tue. June 11, 5:17 PM EDT

It has been quite a while and we have successfully premiered LEFT back in January. As we work on finding the best distribution option, I'd like to invite you to another showing of LEFT along with other past and unreleased short films. Below you'll find a link for free admission if you haven't been able to see the film or would like to come see it again, and as contributors you do not have to donate again, it is completely free.  Hope to see you all there!


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Screenings and Premiere approaching!
Tue. August 29, 3:05 PM EDT

It's been a long but incredibly rewarding journey, and I wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you for your invaluable contributions to "LEFT”

From the very beginning, this project has been a labor of love, and your contributions have played a pivotal role in shaping it into something truly remarkable. We've achieved so much together, from refining our vision through numerous revisions to engaging in strategic meetings that have paved the way for our success. We've also reached out to the press, ensuring that the stage is set for an impactful and timely premiere.

Amidst all of these achievements, there have been moments of personal significance. It is with a heavy heart that I share the passing of my beloved grandmother. While she may no longer be with us in person, her spirit and legacy will forever be immortalized within the very fabric of this film. I owe this enduring tribute to each one of you, and for that, I am eternally grateful.

Looking ahead, we have some exciting plans in store. Over the coming weeks and months, we will be hosting a series of exclusive screenings in anticipation of the grand premiere. For those of you who have chosen the "Show Love, See Love" and "Autographed Script" tiers, please keep an eye on your email inbox as well as your spam folder for an invitation to one of these special screenings.

Additionally, I'm thrilled to share that we are diligently working on an online screening option that will allow everyone to partake in the experience, regardless of location. Your enthusiasm and support have been instrumental in making this project a reality and we want to ensure that as many individuals as possible can share in its magic.

Once again, thank you from the depths of my heart for your unwavering support and dedication. Your belief in the project has been our driving force, and I am truly grateful for the community we have built together.


With Love,


The LEFT Team

50% done filming
Thu. March 9, 1:31 PM EST

uploaded imageWe are excited to announce that we have filmed the first 2 days out of 4 !!! Closer to that finish line!! In the process I got a chance to add some scenes including my grandmother and daughter who are 100 years apart! 

News Covergae!
Mon. February 27, 1:04 PM EST

As we continue to work on the logistics of this film, we had the privilege of getting some coverage on the story, once again by News 12 CT!! Today at 5pm Tune in! Channel 12 on Optimum!

Pre-Production in progress
Fri. February 24, 2:42 PM EST

So what happens after the campaign is over? It’s time to work. We already have our hands full securing locations with deposits, ordering prosthetics and make up, securing production rigs and operators, getting insurance, and going down the list of props and wardrobe for 10 actors! Creating a filming schedule for these 10 very busy and talented folks is a job of its own, keeping in mind their schedules and to efficiently put every hour and location to use.


Simultaneously we are starting the process of putting together the incentives in a timely and efficient manner. For example we are holding the actor’s dinner where we will kick off principal photography and autograph these scripts to mail or deliver to you guys who chose that incentive!


We have also started the process of securing premiere night venues, materials for promotion and getting ready to see all of you guys there! Although we still have to film I believe in being ready for all phases of a film’s life! 

So again, thank you all for your support and stay tuned for all updates!!

Next Sptep in This Journey
Mon. February 20, 9:31 AM EST

It has been an exciting journey and I want to thank you all gain. In the next few weeks we will be rolling out the incentives as they become available. 


-We will mail the signed scripts after our last table reading (March 4th)

-Invitations to Actors Dinner will be sent via email directly

-On set invites will also be done directly via email

-All premiere,streaming incentives will be granted as the dates become solid and clear but the goal is to premiere by top of April

-For tickets there will be a few options of different dates to choose from as we arrive at the phase, as we plan to have multiple premieres across the state.

-VIP events/seating, promotional sponsor spots will also become available as we narrow down on dates! 


We did it folks!
Sun. February 19, 7:04 PM EST

uploaded imageTHANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! We have successfully raised the funds to move forward with production!!!
Follow @L3ftshortfilm on IG to keep up with us!!!!

On behalf of my team, cast and crew, we are so very thankful for your support!! We will keep you all updated via email as well, with incentives as they become available!!!

We made it!!
Sat. February 18, 9:57 AM EST

We did it! We reached our goal with 1 day left!! Thank you!!!!! You can still contribute, we have until tomorrow! Every dollar beyond the original goal will go to:


-Adding more scenes to the film, to highlight other characters

-Securing better equipment

-A  highlight reel of the many moments we will share in the process of this production, including some testimonials by other's dealing with dementia in their family, and this is particularly exciting because I get to put other great creatives to work!



10 days left! Lets bring it home!
Thu. February 9, 12:30 PM EST

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With 10 days left in the campaign I'd like to take a moment to thank each and everyone of you that has shown your support!

Let’s see if we can get to 65% today!

Helps us get to 100 supporters!!
Tue. February 7, 1:20 PM EST

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Help us get to 100 Supporters today! Make a contribution in any amount. Si se puede!

Almost 40%
Fri. February 3, 9:14 AM EST

As we get closer to the half-way dash, in just want to take a moment to thank each and everyone of you that has contributed in anyway! My goal is to hit 50% this weekend! 

Donor Match Accomplished and some!
Wed. February 1, 4:52 PM EST

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Alright!!! The bro Baltazar Fidalgo Jr.came through with the #DonorMatchand some! AND now we gotta match him with another $500!!!!! we have until midnight to get to $4200 bringing us closer to that 50% milestone!


Matching Donor Challenge
Tue. January 31, 9:55 AM EST

Great News!!! We have a Matching Donor Challenge!!! Every contribution that comes in will be matched by a generous supporter dollar for dollar until we raise an additional $1,000. We have until tomorrow night to unlock these additional funds. Please make a contribution in ANY amount. Thank you!!!

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12% raised! We on our way!
Fri. January 27, 8:51 AM EST

Yesterday was an exciting day as we were able to reach over 15 new supporters! we are at 12% of the main goal but I believe we will see a bigger jump in t he next few days!

As always thank you all for your continued support!

Minimal Goal unlocked!!!
Thu. January 26, 3:16 PM EST

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luis e. alarcon; Producer
Sun. January 15, 7:15 PM EST

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Luis E. Alarcon is a CCFPP sergeant, Greenwhich town employee and long music / film enthusiast. He enjoys travel, food, time with family and a good laugh. 

Only 1 left!
Bang for your BUCK ($1+)
Contribute $1 and receive a digital copy of my first psych-thriller short film: TENANT
Unlimited supply.
When you gonna do a movie? (Link to stream) ($5+)
I hear all the time, "when are you gonna do a movie?" Well, movies cost money to produce, please contribute!
Unlimited supply.
Show Love, See Love ($25+)
Contribute $25 and receive free entry to the film's screening/premier!
Unlimited supply.
Autographed Script by Director & Cast! + free entry to premiere ($100+)
Contribute $100 to the production of "Left" and receive an autographed script from the Director and Cast!
Only 3 left!
Limited NFT of Film Poster ($200+)
Receive an airdrop of a limited NFT of the film poster on the polygon blockchain!
Only 8 left!
Shine At The Premiere! For Creatives and Businesses ($300+)
Contribute $300 for credit roll placement, 3 tickets to premiere with preferred seating and logo placement on Step and Repeat.
Only 28 left!
Day on the set! + free entry to premiere ($500+)
Contribute $500 and enjoy a day on set during filming of "Left."
Only 2 left!
Join Cast & Crew for a formal dinner at 29 Markle Ct Restaurant ($500+)
Join the cast and crew from the short film LƎFT, for an upscale dinner by chef Damon Daye!
Only 4 left!
Associate Producer Credit ($1000+)
For your contribution, you will be credited as an Associate Producer! 2 passes to premiere, signed script, digital download.
Only 8 left!
Executive Producer Credit! ($2500+)
For your contribution, you will get Executive Producer credit! + 5 passes to premiere, dinner with cast & crew, signed script, digital download
Only 5 left!
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Thank you for reading. Thank you for your support. Thank you for caring.
Thank You!
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