InterFaith Film & Music Fest
IFMF, a showcase of Faith, Spirituality, Inspiration & Wellness in Film & Media, will take place December 8, 2022 - December 11, 2022, headquartered in NYC.

Diversity & Inclusion of Faith, Spirituality, Inspiration & Wellness themes will headline screenings and panels devoted to the victories, criticisms, challenges and opportunities of expressing Faith, Spirituality, Inspiration & Wellness in the boldest way, through the Arts! Attendees experience entertainment, screenings, panels, and networking over 4 days.

Opportunities for Filmmakers
Entering our fifth year, our Fest will aim to be a hybrid festival, i.e., two days online and two days in-person for community networking, meetups, and workshops. We hope to bring celebrity talent for masterclasses, panels, and Q & A talks. With your generous support, we can exceed our stretch goal which will allow us to expand our team as well as offer two (2) underrepresented storytellers a post-production grant for their inspirational stories.


LaSonya is an attorney, media production company owner, and founder of the InterFaith Film & Music Festival, which exhibits and markets inspirational and motivational media from diverse and underrepresented storytellers. Both the film production company, InterFaith Productions, Inc., and the Festival provide internships and mentoring opportunities for next generation media and entertainment professionals including interns from the City of New York Department of Youth & Community Development (DYCD) Futures & Options CTE Industry Scholars Internship Program, The Bronx Lab School, and diverse students attending CUNY’s Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC) and Berkeley College Marketing Internship Programs.
In addition, LaSonya collaborated with the NYC Department of Health Equity’s Amplifying Voices program to implement a community health fair in partnership with the InterFaith Film & Music Festival, creatively targeting East Harlem residents and faith based groups who are end users of the NYC Department of Education’s citywide initiatives. Other collaborations involved the ArtWorks Legal Incubator, in order to offer two educational online masterclasses discussing scripts and screenwriting as well as contracts and copyright protection.
LaSonya's community work has received numerous awards and honorable recognitions including a New York State Exemplary Service Proclamation. She has served as a Health & Wellness Delegate to the People's Republic of China (PRC) via the People-to-People Ambassador Program, a Business Delegate to the Dominican Republic via the World Trade Center of Philadelphia, and as an invitee of International Cancer Week in Abuja, Nigeria.
Responding to natural disasters, LaSonya joined Habitat for Humanity volunteers on mission trips to rebuild homes in such areas like Texas City (devastated by Hurricane Rita), Birmingham, AL, (devastated by 2010/11 tornadoes) and Haiti (post Earthquake).