El Chupacabras

El Tema
Un padre y su hija enfrentan un terror ancestral.
A father and daughter must face an ancient evil
"El Chupacabras" is a captivating and suspenseful short film that marries magical realism with lovecraftian horror. Set on a remote and rural ranch, a father and his daughter find themselves isolated from the world, grappling with the horrors that lurk beyond their doorstep. As they face the terrifying presence of El Chupacabras, a malevolent entity known for its bloodthirsty nature, they must summon all their strength and resilience to confront the monster head-on.
"El Chupacabras" es un cautivador cortometraje que combina el realismo mágico con el horror lovecraftiano. Ambientado en una remota hacienda rural, un padre y su hija se encuentran aislados, lidiando con los horrores que acechan más allá de su puerta. Enfrentándose a la presencia aterradora de El Chupacabras, una entidad malévola sedienta de sangre, deberán reunir toda su fuerza y valentía para enfrentar al monstruo cara a cara.

Your generous contributions will play a pivotal role in bringing this spine-tingling tale to life. The funds raised from this campaign will be primarily utilized for the production of "El Chupacabras." This includes expenses such as casting and crew, equipment rentals, special effects, post-production, and marketing efforts to ensure the film reaches its intended audience.
By surpassing our initial funding target, we can enhance the production value of the film. Additional funds will enable us to create visually stunning scenes, refine creature design, and meticulously craft the sound design. Every dollar raised beyond our primary goal will elevate the overall quality of "El Chupacabras," ensuring an immersive and unforgettable horror experience.
Vuestras generosas contribuciones desempeñarán un papel fundamental en dar vida a este escalofriante relato. Los fondos recaudados de esta campaña se destinarán principalmente a la producción de "El Chupacabras", cubriendo gastos como el elenco, el equipo técnico, los efectos especiales, la postproducción y el marketing necesario para llegar a la audiencia deseada.
Sobre el Proyecto
At the heart of "El Chupacabras" lies a deep appreciation for Latino and Latin American stories and our passionate team of filmmakers and artists have meticulously crafted a script that weaves together mythical elements and personal themes of love, family, and resilience. By supporting this project, you contribute to the representation of diverse narratives in cinema, bridging cultures and fostering greater understanding.

En el corazón de "El Chupacabras" se encuentra una profunda apreciación por las historias latinas y latinoamericanas. Nuestro apasionado equipo de cineastas y artistas ha creado meticulosamente un guion que entrelaza elementos míticos y temas personales de amor, familia y resiliencia. Al apoyar este proyecto, contribuyes a la representación de narrativas diversas en el cine, uniendo culturas y fomentando una mayor comprensión.
The Nitty-Gritty
We understand that every project comes with its unique set of challenges, and "El Chupacabras" is no exception. From the complexities of merging animation with live-action to capturing the right balance of tension and emotion, our team is committed to overcoming these obstacles with unwavering dedication. We will keep our supporters updated throughout the production process, sharing behind-the-scenes glimpses, exclusive content, and milestones achieved, allowing you to witness firsthand the progress we make in bringing this terrifying vision to life.
Entendemos que cada proyecto presenta sus propios desafíos únicos, y "El Chupacabras" no es una excepción. Desde la complejidad de fusionar animación y acción en vivo hasta capturar el equilibrio adecuado entre tensión y emoción, nuestro equipo está comprometido a superar estos obstáculos con dedicación inquebrantable. Mantendremos a nuestros seguidores informados durante todo el proceso de producción, compartiendo vistazos detrás de cámaras, contenido exclusivo y hitos alcanzados, permitiéndote ser testigo del progreso que logramos al dar vida a esta visión aterradora.
Extendemos nuestro más profundo agradecimiento a todos y cada uno de ustedes que han dedicado tiempo a explorar nuestra campaña y considerar contribuir a "El Chupacabras". Vuestro apoyo es invaluable para hacer realidad este proyecto. Con vuestra ayuda, podemos transportar a la audiencia a un mundo de horror escalofriante y desatar los misterios de El Chupacabras. Únete a nosotros en esta aventura aterradora y, juntos, crearemos un cortometraje que mantendrá a la audiencia al filo de sus asientos.

We extend our deepest gratitude to each and every one of you who has taken the time to explore our campaign and for contributing to "El Chupacabras." Your support is invaluable in making this project a reality. With your help, we can transport audiences into a world of spine-chilling horror and unleash the mysteries of El Chupacabras. Join us on this terrifying adventure, and together, let's create a short film that will leave audiences on the edge of their seats.

Mark Federico Moreno is the writer and director behind this project. Moreno studied directing at UCLA and College of the Canyons, where he met and worked with cinematographer Stephen Margiera. Moreno has a passion for his Latino culture and the Spanish language that goes back as far as his studies in film. Moreno wrote and directed his thesis “La Orden” another Spanish language film about the horrors of the civil wars in Central América which went on to enter the Latino Movement Film festival and won the Orson Welles Award at the California Film awards, both in 2016. Moreno brings his expertise in this field as well as his pride in his Latino culture in heritage to give this project the heart it needs.

Stephen Margiera is an talented young award winning cinematographer and recent USC Film graduate with a Magna Cum Laude from College of the Canyons where he won the coveted best cinematographer for the film “The Final Farwell” at the “2018 College pf the Canyons Media and Entertainment Arts Showcase. Stephen has worked on over 50 productions and lends a great deal of his experience to this production in addition to his passion for thought-provoking art and his visionary eye.
I am humbled to come forward today to thank every single one of you for your support. With your contributions and your belief we have made it to our minimum goal and the funds are to be dispersed to our team shorty and we will work hard and diligently to realize a short film worth your hard earned money.
We will begin work on preproduction which includes but is not limited to:
Script writing and rewrites
Scheduling and coordinating
We are very excited to start this journey to put together a film you will all be proud of, we owe you nothing less, I owe you nothing less.
As a small thank-you we present you with the design for our poster. Alluding to the witchcraft and mesoamerican mythology that is so deeply ingrained into the myth of el chupacabras.

You are the first and only ones to see this poster.
Thank you all so much! And if you have any goats, watch them! Because el chupacabras is coming …
Mark Federico Moreno
Writer and Director of El Chupacabras
e 1 day and some change left in our campaign and we’ve reached 3K! We want to thank all of our contributors that got us to this point. A month ago, this was just an idea and a dream, now we are at the doorstep of making this a reality and putting in the hardworking needed to give you all the short film you deserve and the launch to push for a hair raising feature.
We would not be here without all of you but none of that matters if we don’t reach our minimum goal. We are working diligently to make it a reality. As of right now we have $380 to go! We can and will do this. Spread the word and let everyone know that you are a part of this with us, we will get there together!
- Mark Moreno Writer/Director of El Chupacabras

We are almost there! Just a few days left to make it to out minimum goal to keep our funds!
THE NEXT DAYS ARE CRUCIAL, Get the word out! Tell everyone! We can do this together! We need your help and need everyone on deck!

A big thank you to all of our supporters for getting us to our first milestone! The work is not done and me and my team will keep working diligently to make sure that this project achieves its funding so we can all make right on your belief in us and this project! From the bottom of our hearts we thank you all so much!
- Mark Federico Moreno, Writer and Director of "El CHupacabras