El Dibujo - Short Film

Art Becomes A Living Nightmare

Pita the daughter of two immigrants parents draws a horrific drawing of her nightmare. Something that wants to take them in the night.
All the funds will go directly to the production of this short film. This includes paying the actors, crew, and props. Any money left over will be donated to charities of Latinx families that have had their loved ones separated from them.
We have shot a faux trailer so you can see what we are trying to make. This isn’t the final footage that will end up in the project but we wanted to show what we want to produce.

Additional Information
This film has been my passion project for the last 4 years and we are close to getting the film in the can. we Have tracked down a location and we have cast the family in this film.
Growing up in a Mexican household I grew up with a fear of this monster that would come for my family in the night and leave me all alone. Little did I know this was the main inspiration for El Dibujo, a real fear I want to share with the world.
With this film, I want to in future inspire other filmmakers who feel they don’t have a voice in the industry.

Thank You
Thank you all so much for taking the time to look over this page. It means so much to me as a filmmaker of immigrants parents to try and tell a story that I feel needs to be told.

Michael Nunoz (A.K.A Mikey D. Nunoz) is a Mexican-American filmmaker born in the central valley in California. Was drawn to films at a very young age that lead him down a path of pursing his passion as a career. Filmmakers such as Robert Rodriguez and Sam Raimi really elevated his love for independent filmmaking. Michael has a degree in Digital Film and Video Production and now lives in Los Angeles, CA.


Great News!! We have a Matching Donor Challenge!! Every contribution that comes in will be matched by a generous supporter dollar for dollar until we raise an additional $500. We have until tomorrow night to
unlock these additional funds. Please go to https://www.supportourstory.com/el-dibujo-short-filmand make a contribution in ANY amount.
Thank you!!!

Hello, Everyone!
We have produced a concept trailer for EL DIBUJO, keep in mind this isn't the final product but rather just a taste of what the final work can be,
More updates soon.